edward snowden

What I'm Reading

College Park creek by Andy Feliciotti

The Bitcoin of governance could be coming soon Edward Snowden’s Real Impact Will Foursquare CEO Dennis Crowley Finally Get it Right? The Best Hangover Cure Climate Name Change

What I'm Reading

Sunset on the Chesapeake

Whistleblowing Is the New Civil Disobedience: Why Edward Snowden Matters “The US government, far from deterring future whistleblowers, has just incentivized a new generation of them by acting like a megalomaniac.” Why Silicon Valley Should Save Drive-in Movies Drive-in theaters are the perfect alternative to indoor theaters for people who want the freedom to use their phone or other device while watching. Also, I’d love to see drive-in movies become popular again.

Heml.is Has a Shot at Succeeding Where Other Encrypted Messaging Systems Have Failed

Heml.is logo

Heml.is (pronounced without the dot) was announced yesterday as a new messaging platform built from the ground up to be secure and private. Their goal is to develop an app for iOS and Android that uses proven open standards and high-grade private key encryption to keep your conversations totally encrypted and away from prying eyes, while being user-friendly and attractive. They’re obviously striking a nerve with users, because in less than 36 hours they’ve managed to raise nearly 90% their $100,000 funding goal.

What I'm Reading


The BMW M3 Coupe Is Officially Dead If PRISM Is Good Policy, Why Stop With Terrorism? What Snowden Needs Now Is a Good Lawyer ‘I filmed the first fight and arrest through Google Glass’ How Clothes Should Fit

We're Missing the Bigger Picture with Edward Snowden

Edward Snowden

The reaction to Edward Snowden’s leaking of classified documents was exactly what everyone expected: the government went crazy and leveled accusations of treason and espionage (subsequently filing charges against him under the Espionage Act), the media had a field day scraping up details about Snowden and interviewing countless people about implications, ad nauseum. The public were naturally divided between those who agree with the government’s characterization of the man and his actions, and those who support what he did as patriotic exposure of government overreach.

What I'm Reading


Instagram Video and the Death of Fantasy Despite the claims made by Mark Zuckerberg and Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom, Instagram isn’t capturing the memories of your life - it’s a fantasy highlight reel. Demonizing Edward Snowden: Which Side Are You On? This author asserts that coverage of the Edward Snowden situation isn’t journalism but sensationalism and bandwagon jumping. Something tells me Jeff Jarvis would agree. This Virginia Driver Has The New Greatest License Plate Of All Time

What I'm Reading


NSA Concedes Hadoop Beats Its Pricey Alternatives The National Security Agency has acknowledged that Hadoop, the open source big-data analysis tool, is more powerful and higher performing than its commercial counterparts. The Poke Test, Using a Fork to Flip, and Other Steak-Cooking Myths Lifehacker tackles how to properly cook a steak, just in time for grilling season. Why Would Ecuador Want Edward Snowden? An explanation of possible reasons Ecuador is considering granting asylum to the former NSA contractor.